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The reality of Christ’ death for us is overwhelming when truly thought about. We all know God loved us so much that He sent His only begotten son to die for our sins, but this is the beginning of our story, not the end. It’s a happy ending to one life and the gateway to another.

“For the death that he died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 6:10-11 NKJV

Our story begins when we acknowledge the truth that we were not only the reason Jesus got on the cross but that we were with Him in the death, burial and ascension (Romans 6:4). Living in a world whose culture cannot fathom this, it’s important that we are putting off former conduct [way of life and thinking] and being renewed and fed by the Word of God in hopes that we may grasp this truth and walk in it daily. When we live from a reality that knows Jesus died to sin once for all we are liberated to live in wholesome truth. His new life He lives to God, and we are to as well. 

I find this easier to do some days rather than others. I can admit I have missed the mark more than I’d care to admit. This is the day His blood was shed and He cleansed me for eternity. I constantly remind myself that no matter if I’m being shamed by my own thoughts or feeling unworthy that I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. This Easter isn’t typical as we are all quarantined and unable to partake in normal fellowship but I believe the Lord is breaking up the anatomy of our routines that we may truly seek Him in a deeper way. It’s easy to worship in a shouting church but will we still praise Him when it seems optional? I’m forcing myself to make it a priority to worship more, I want to pray even more. I’m not sure for the reasoning behind this strange time but I know it’s significant.

Today is the day so long ago that our Lord Jesus Christ died for us. Today, more than most days, we remember His sacrifice and the fulfilling of His purpose. I can think of no better way to live in remembrance than to live in the reality His death bought us.

One of the purposes of Jesus Christ getting on that cross is that we may realize who we are in Him. We are forever transformed.

“On calvary, you looked at me. With just one look, everything changes; I’m captivated, I’ll never be the same.” 

Below is one of my favorite songs and the words above are even more relevant today as we celebrate and remember what our Lord did for our redemption.