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Marriage is for Living

Marriage is for Living

I used to believe that marriage was for established people. I thought you went to college, found a career, reached the pinnacle and THEN “settled down” and had a family. Most of this, more than likely, came from the media. The line of thinking where your wedding must...
Things I do for me.

Things I do for me.

I’m taking an inventory in my life and it’s beginning with the things I do for me. For Aliah. That causes my heart to swell up with joy and everlasting abundance. When I happily sleepy-smile and flutter my eyes. When I laugh so hard that I accidentally snort. These...
Reality Check

Reality Check

This blog was originally published by Aliah Kimbro in November 2020 on I believe there comes a time for a reality check, or a recentering. It is too easy to be swept up in the cares and probing issues of this life, to fixate our eyes on the...
3 Cheers for 2 Years

3 Cheers for 2 Years

It’s my spiritual birthday and I am entering my Terrific Two’s! In case you don’t know, your spiritual birthdate is the day you became a born-again Christian. This day I celebrate when the Lord truly saved me, and in my case, He made Himself known to me which...
Come Closer

Come Closer

3 Keys to Coming Closer to God: Correctly posture our heartBecome one with other believers in ChristChoose obedience over rebellion  If there is one thing I have observed about love, it is that it is inviting; love beckons you to come closer and our relationship...