by aliah | Jan 29, 2019 | Poetry
your music sings to me a sweet melody to accompany my internal sadness love for the melancholy I will no longer run from what I’m meant to be totally and purposefully, me. one the world will need to see even though her true colors I hide...
by aliah | Jan 29, 2019 | Poetry
I guess I must say thank you, For the introductions, The life lessons, The art of letting go. I’ve really enjoyed every laugh, The too-wide-smiles, And days that never seemed to end I thought we would stretch on forever, Akin to those summer nights But I know...
by aliah | Jan 29, 2019 | Poetry
Oh how you make the sky light up Fireworks burst, colors coming alive The warm tingling sensation I can touch happiness and it’s a summer day Except it is December I have just remembered. But anyhow you could make the worst times feel great My love...
by aliah | Jan 29, 2019 | Poetry
All they care about is the red, white and blue All they care about is the red, white and blue Don’t care about the hatred that beats my black skin to blue No decisions made with me in mind Would it even matter to turn back time? Obama has come and gone With him...
by aliah | Jan 20, 2016 | Blog
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Huic mori optimum esse propter desperationem sapientiae, illi propter spem vivere. Invidiosum nomen est, infame, suspectum. Fatebuntur Stoici haec omnia dicta esse praeclare, neque eam causam Zenoni desciscendi fuisse. Si...