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a new gen POV on working.

a new gen POV on working.

I’m not sure if something is fundamentally wrong with me, but I don’t like to work. Go ahead and cue the eyerolls, but I’m serious. It’s more severe than the typical case. It brings tears to my eyes and a pit to my stomach. It shifts me completely.  Now before...
busy girl, busy world.

busy girl, busy world.

Hey y’all. I apologize for the delay in posting. I’ve been getting my life together for real. Since my last post, I’ve finally graduated with my bachelors degree and have taken the summer for a much needed break. During this time, word to Kylie Jenner, I’ve been...
I met Love, and she’s everything I thought she would be.

I met Love, and she’s everything I thought she would be.

Love is more than a feeling, it is a choice. When love embeds itself into your heart it begins to grow comfortable. Love moves in with no intention of leaving. Love settles deep and isn’t stirred by fleeting emotions. Love is quick to grow and slow to wane. True love...
Count the Cost.

Count the Cost.

As I’ve been meditating on the past year and the blank slate in front of me, I can’t help to reflect on the things I’ve lost. I’ve lost the person I used to be; the friends who used to surround me and the lifestyle I was so accustomed to. I don’t think I necessarily...
Settling into Destiny

Settling into Destiny

Settling into destiny feels like coming home to the real me. According to Merriam-Webster, to settle is to establish or secure permanently.  That’s what the Lord is doing inside of me. It’s a beautiful thing to see. The process isn’t so pretty and there are...
Marriage is for Living

Marriage is for Living

I used to believe that marriage was for established people. I thought you went to college, found a career, reached the pinnacle and THEN “settled down” and had a family. Most of this, more than likely, came from the media. The line of thinking where your wedding must...
Things I do for me.

Things I do for me.

I’m taking an inventory in my life and it’s beginning with the things I do for me. For Aliah. That causes my heart to swell up with joy and everlasting abundance. When I happily sleepy-smile and flutter my eyes. When I laugh so hard that I accidentally snort. These...
Reality Check

Reality Check

This blog was originally published by Aliah Kimbro in November 2020 on I believe there comes a time for a reality check, or a recentering. It is too easy to be swept up in the cares and probing issues of this life, to fixate our eyes on the...
3 Cheers for 2 Years

3 Cheers for 2 Years

It’s my spiritual birthday and I am entering my Terrific Two’s! In case you don’t know, your spiritual birthdate is the day you became a born-again Christian. This day I celebrate when the Lord truly saved me, and in my case, He made Himself known to me which...
Come Closer

Come Closer

3 Keys to Coming Closer to God: Correctly posture our heartBecome one with other believers in ChristChoose obedience over rebellion  If there is one thing I have observed about love, it is that it is inviting; love beckons you to come closer and our relationship...
A Worthwhile Pursuit

A Worthwhile Pursuit

As I was gearing up to finish part 2 of the Promise and the Possession, I was led to another topic: Purpose. I am guilty of pursuing the promise and longing for its’ possession, not realizing those are conduits for my purpose to be manifested in the earth. All...